StandIN project aims to strengthen the future of healthcare through the drafting of a basis for establishing the framework for standards.
A project that includes companies, Government, counties/regions, SKL and universities.

Hilkka Linnarsson and Johan Lidén
The background to the StandIN project, which began at the end of last year on the initiative of Anders Lönnberg, national coordinator for the life science industry in Sweden, is that there is a desire to increase digitisation in healthcare from the Government.
− There are big profits to increase the speed of information transfer between different organisations. By proposing a framework of standards and guidelines will improve the situation of healthcare and long-term care, eHealth industry and research in the country, says Johan Lidén, Chairman of the steering group in StandIN project and business development manager for Norden on Intel Health and Life Sciences.
Increase the exchange of information
The project is financed by Vinnova’s strategic innovation program Medtech4Health with Swedish Medtech as project owner. The first phase of the project, which was completed on 17 June has focused on how to increase the exchange of information between different Healthcare information systems in a time efficient and money saving way.
The project team consisted of representatives from companies operating in Sweden.
− The project has gone through about 70 different standards in order to reach the standards that may be relevant for the Swedish healthcare. StandIN estimates that there are 18 international standards that meets the requirements of the project. StandIN gives no direct recommendations, but our mission is to present opportunities to shape the future of Healthcare information system with business conditions and needs as a starting point, says Johan Lidén.
Intense and complex
Hilkka Linnarsson, project leader for StandIN and senior project manager at Meditude, describes the StandIN project that very intensively, not least in view of the fact that the 3R, which consists of the Stockholm County Council, Västra Götaland and Skåne Region, as well as the county councils SUSSA, in Västerbotten, Västernorrland, Örebro, Södermanland and Blekinge, wanted to speed up the process for their procurement of Healthcare information systems.
− The timetable was cut down two months and during the five-month project, we have managed to do a job that normally takes a lot longer, says Hilkka Linnarsson.
At the same time she feels that it has been fun to lead a project that she really cares about.
− I have an extensive background as a nurse and I’m aware of the difficulties when information is not available when I need it. By facilitating the clinical documentation and information sharing across organizational boundaries and between different system minimizes the risk of misunderstanding in communication, says Hilkka Linnarsson.
Meditude, Healthcare IT-surgeons, is a consulting firm with expertise in management issues, business development and systems development in Healthcare.
We are members of the professional association for medical technology Swedish Medtech and we have collective agreement with Almega IT&Telekomföretagen.